Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rosa & Her Kittens in Protective Custody

I picked up Rosa and kittens today. They were born in the wee hours of Sunday morning...2/22/09.

There are 5 black/grey kittens and one little orange kitten.

Rosa is very happy. She only meowed in the car when I asked her how she was doing, otherwise she was very content to curl up with her babies. Tonight they are resting in the garage with a cozy nest and lots of food and water. They are safe, away from other creatures that could eat them.

I'll need to find out if the shelter can provide me with help in taking them to the vet if needed. I've never had babies before, I am not sure what to do!!!


  1. YOU are the best! Hmmmm. I don't have an ORANGE cat yet....don't let me name it. please!

  2. What cuties! PLEASE...don't show me any more pictures. Well, maybe a couple more.

  3. What a sweet momma kitty! And what a sweet foster momma too.

  4. You are getting attached. Has Kevin given an ultimatum yet?
